Wednesday, April 20, 2011


Please just keep this in mind as you go on about your day and interact with other people. Try to remember as you go through your day, that the people you encounter maybe going through something eventful/tragic/life changing to them and it matters to them. You never know what the other person is going through and don't judge their attitude or feeling, they are real to them. What isn't a big deal to you, maybe a huge deal to them. I have been reminded of this many times within this past week. My 'normal' isn't the next persons normal. The point is everyone is dealing with something and it is real to them and even if we think it is small it is huge to them.

"People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel." ~Maya Angelou


Alice said...

That reminds me of a couple of short youtubes I've seen recently with the same idea. Everyone has a story. If we only knew what each person we run across was dealing with, I think we would be much nicer.

Bob G. said...

Can't argue with that, can you?

Very thoughtful post.

Stay safe down there.