Monday, April 25, 2011

Monday with Morgan




Morgan is 9½ months old now, She is very mobile and according to her daddy is “wild” and into everything. I don’t believe it.


Bob G. said...

LOL..."wild"...that's funny.
How WILD can a 9 1/2 month old BE?

Mobile...that means don't take yer eyes offa her for more than 10 second!
How they DO love to "wander off" (and explore the vastness of the big old world...or house)

God bless her little heart.

Stay safe down there

CWMartin said...

Granmas never believe it.

"How wild can a 9 1/2 month old be?"
Bob, you should offer to babysit once!

Morgan said...

Grandma, I am 10 1/2 months old - LOL! But, daddy says it's never too early for a woman to lie about her age!

ms nk rey said...

ooooops .. your daddy is a very wise man listen to him baby girl. My mind was messed up from too much cheese cake.