Friday, April 8, 2011

Leave my light bulb alone!

edison-light-bulb The light bulb represents one of our most ingenious and useful American made products. Now my incandescent light bulb will soon be a thing of the past, thanks to an act of congress. In 2007 congress passed an energy bill forbidding the sale of traditional, cheap incandescent bulbs on the grounds that they aren’t energy efficient.

This has started a grass-roots movement and bulb-hording among people ready to give up the old bulbs only if someone pries them from their cold, dead fingers. Republicans in the House and Senate are pushing to roll back the provision in the 2007 law. Are there more important matters of state to attend to? Yep. Is light bulb regulation rushing us down the road to socialism? Nope. But it does annoy me. Will it be the end of the world? Nope, but it is just the principle of it.

The more energy-efficient bulbs are more expensive, but make up their cost
in the lower use of electricity over time. If they are so wonderful can’t the government trust us to adopt them on our own with out their interference? Add the fact that none of them are manufactured in the USA.

They changed our laundry detergent, our dishwasher detergent, made our toilets water saving but less efficient. Now after more than 100 years they want to screw around with out light bulbs.

I say leave my light bulbs alone.


Alice said...

I hear ya!

Bob G. said...

I am with you 100 PERCENT, dear!
I've bitched about this since I first heard about them (a few years back), and 'ya know what?

I'm building my "stash", and they WILL still be making the REGULAR bulbs...just not HERE in AMERICA (where were bloody INVENTED)!

I just don't want the "curly-fry bulbs" (CFLs) in MY house with all that EPA-cautionary MERCURY in them (disposal of a shattered bulb is RIDICULOUS!)

Every one of these evironmentally-conscious LOONS need to be drug from their beds, into the streets and beat about the face and head until SOME level of reason enters that mellon on their shoulders...

But I was always one to be "civiL' in matters like this...LOL!

Excellent post.


Stay safe and dry down there.