Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Worst Odors:

  1. Cigarette Smoke, since I quit smoking I can’t believe how bad it smells.
  2. Vomit
  3. Bad Breath
  4. Flatulence
  5. Sulfur
  6. Stinky feet, socks and or shoes
  7. Nursing homes, some not all
  8. Skunk
  9. Boiled Cabbage
  10. ?


Bob G. said...

I'd have to add to that list:
-Ammonia (from unclean houses with TOO many pets)
(yeah, we get those in the area)

Ever since my father was hospitalized prior to his passing, I cannot stand the smell of them...I avoid them like the damn plague.

As for smoking?
Well, I do like a good cigar and some of those clove ciggies.

You'll have to talk to Wifey about the feet, shoes thing...LOL
(I kid you not, god bless her heart...that's why I ALWAYS use foot powder - a real godsend!)

And I always have some BIG RED gum nearby for any halitosis issues (I like garlic...it's the Philly in me)
Skunk reminds me of REALLY burnt coffee...horrible!

Now, how's a bout a list of smells we DO like?
(got sensory overload here now)

Good list.
Stay safe down there.

CWMartin said...

4 and 5 are ofttimes the same around here...