Monday, January 11, 2010


I sometimes feel like a “burden”

The fact is smoking has taken years off my life. However non-smokers that live longer cost society more. Studies show smokers die about 10 years earlier than non - smokers, with our premature deaths providing a huge savings to Medicare Social Security, private pension plans and more. I worked all my life and paid in way more than I will ever collect. I get that people consider what I did to myself as dumb and stupid, but do they get that I know it? I mean come on how could I not know? No need to look down on me because I am a bit slower to move out of your way, I understand you have very important things to do, while I am just hanging around sucking up space and air. Please try to treat me with dignity and kindness, I do not like to feel like a burden to Society. I am paying my way and always have.

Definition of: Burden

Function: noun

1 a : something that is carried : load b : duty, responsibility
2 : something oppressive or worrisome
3 a : the bearing of a load —usually used in the phrase beast of burden b : capacity for carrying cargo <a ship of a hundred tons burden>
4 : load 11 <worm burden> <cancer burden>


Bob G. said...

Both my parents were smokers, and even when they took sickj and passed, I NEVER thought of them (or anyone in similar circumstances) a burden.

If ANYONE in our society can truly be called a burden, it's those that WILL NOT do for themselves, while being dependant upon others to do FOR THEM instead.

Everyone else is "just normal folk", and pretty much should be acknowledged as such.

I will hold doors for people less fortunate when it comes to physical impedements, help people down or up stairs, and will gladly "wait" while they take their time.
Age and infirmity will do that to a person....EVERY PERSON (eventually)...I'm learning that one the hard way myself
I'm not 25 anymore.

Told 'ya I had old-fashioned beliefs.

Take care and don't sweat the small "stuff".


Anonymous said...

Yeah! What Bob G said. "....small stuff." You can be my burden anytime.

katie said...

I dont think you are a burden Gram!!!!!