Monday, January 18, 2010



One of the hardest parts of COPD is staying motivated. COPD causes severe shortness of breath and that is just the hardest thing to deal with for me. Just going into the kitchen from my living room causes distress and the harder it is, the less I do it. The fear of the shortness of breath is profound. With COPD, the less you do, the less you can do.
This week I am going to motivate myself to do more. I need to get over the fear and back to the exhilaration that I feel when I am doing something good for myself. If I stay stagnant, I get depressed and it's even harder to do anything.
After COPD, I had the hardest time breathing because my pace hadn't slowed to accommodate the decreased lung function. When I get discouraged, I try to remember how far I've come. I have always been comfortable with being by myself, and prized my privacy. However, I had to let go of most of my privacy by allowing others to come into my home to help me. Every once in a while I have one of those days where I feel sorry for myself. My entire life I have been the strong one. But sometimes even strong people need understanding and help. I am so thankful for my family and friends who love and support me.


Bob G. said...

There is nothing more discouraging than NOT being able to function as you USED to...(or would like to), and that is something I'm learning the hard way.
Frustration at self is my biggest issue.
I have to remember that its not MY fault I'm not 25 any longer...I couldn't get the clock to stop...AND I don't own a DeLorean...LOL.

I guess this "taking it a bit slower" thing has some teeth to it after all.
I just hate getting bit in the butt every day over it.

Whether it's COPD, arthritis, or a myriad of other (even more severe) problems, they ALL will take some toll on our psyche.
No getting around that.

But still finding it within ourselves to be able to dredge up the motivation and keep the ball rolling tells "ME" that I ain't done with this old world...YET.
And neither are you!

This was just what I needed to keep me "fired up" this morning...thanks!


ms nk rey said...

Bobby G, Some days are worse than others and sometimes I am flat lazy. I work thru it and around it and then come face to face with the real reason, deal with it and move on.. I am thankful for my sense of humor because with out it I would be so lost. Thanks for stopping by today and every day.. I appreciate you taking time to drop by and leave a comment. Better posts are coming I promise.

Jeannine said...

Look folks - life is whay you make of it. I have very severe COPD and yet I go to work, climb stairs and shower and go to WalMart as well as out to eat once in awhile.

Don't depend on the doctors to help you because they won't. I find that taking supplements and getting involved in finding a cure for COPD has helped me. In December 2005 I was told I had at most 3 years to live with my COPD. I said - NO WAY! I am going to fight this - and I do.

Come and visit our forums we started and see that you can do something besides waiting for God. You only get one life so live the damned thing.

Here are the forums started by us

I hope you will come and see that you can improve your breathing and your quality of life.


ms nk rey said...
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ms nk rey said...

Jeannine.. wow.. if you read more of my blog you would see that I do indeed enjoy life and do many things. I too climb stairs and shower. I do not go to Walmart but I never did before so that doesn't count. I admire your choice to live life and take care of yourself. Thanks so much for stopping by and for commenting.