Friday, January 15, 2010

What if

I went to the doctor today, I must do so every few months so the powers that be are sure I am deserving of my Medicare: that I did not have a miraculous healing or anything. I get so stressed and uptight at the thought of going that I actually shake. I have no idea why I am like this. Today Dr. W said it my anxiety was part of my COPD. Another stress point was getting my blood pressure taken. I am happy to report that it was within an acceptable range. Also, they insisted I get weighed.. OMG. .. So this set me to thinking: What if society assigned no judgment to your weight? What if actresses weren’t pressured to be a preposterous size 0 and the only criteria for models was the ability to radiate beauty from within? What if your weight held no more significance than the randomly assigned numbers on your license plate?
How much do you think you would weigh?
I bet most of us would still be within a few pounds of the number we saw on the scales this morning.
How much time do you spend thinking about how fat you are, talking about how fat you are, planning mealtime strategies, feeling guilty over cheating on yet another diet, lamenting about your inability to just get out there and exercise, dammit…
What if you didn’t have to worry about that anymore? Imagine how liberating that would feel--wouldn't that be quite a WEIGHT off your shoulders?
Maybe we’d be a few pounds less than the number we saw on the scales this morning.
What do you think?


Anonymous said...

Could not agree MORE!! I hate not being able to eat what I want, when I want. But I'm told I must try to be a little careful because, as my husband puts it, for my health. You know I don't even think it has anything to do with my health & the reason I feel that way is because when God wants to take me, it don't matter if I'm fat or skinny. When my time is up, thats it! So why deprive myself of good food & enjoying myself. Thats my opinion & I'm sticking to it.

Bob G. said...

As I'm gettinmg older, I find I can't scarf down 6 slices of pizza at once any longer...but then again, the amount of energy expenditures are less for me than in those halcyon days of youth (and hormones)...

I just try to eat what I like, and always in MODERATION.
Ben Franklin once said:
"Eat not to dullness; Drink not to elevation."
Works for me...!

Have a great weekend.