Wednesday, January 20, 2010


I pretend to be thick skinned but I’m extremely sensitive. I’m easily hurt. I cry all too easily, but there’s a good chance you’ll never ever see it.

I don’t like being judged, and I hate being judged wrongly.

I care what people think of me, including strangers – and I’m annoyed that I care what people think of me. I hate for anyone to think ill of me.

I don’t like the anticipation of direct conflict and I don’t seek it out. I get nervous and anxious.

I can be vindictive and I enjoy seeing people get their just rewards.

I’ve given money to needy strangers.

I’m dependable.

I’m funny (when I’m in the mood) and I enjoy coarse or clever humor and a bad pun always makes me laugh.

I’m honest.

I’m self critical.

I’m generous.

I’m shy.

I’m empathetic.

I believe I am a good and decent person in spite of my faults.

I am a character.

1 comment:

Bob G. said...

Now I KNOW you're peeping in my windows...LOL!

Much of what you mention is a large part of ME as well.
Maybe we're BOTH "characters"...?

Or perhaps, we're both people OF character.

Remember, you're a good & decent person BECAUSE of your faults..not in spite of them.

You truly "get it".

Take care.