Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Is it always about you???

Don't you just get tired of those people who no matter what is going on in everyone else's life things somehow always tend to be about them...they always have things better then everyone else...things much worse have happened to them....you can't even have a real conversation with this kind of person because somehow in some way it starts about what YOU are going thru and turns into what THEY are going thru. I sometimes sit and wonder why do these kind of people believe that everything is always about them???? Or maybe I am wrong and it really IS always about them???? Does anyone else go thru this????


Bob G. said...


My Mom had some quaint references to people like that:
"They think their sh*t doesn't stink"
"They think the world revolves around THEM".
"They're the center of everyone's attention".

Yes, I've gone through it and yes, it IS all about "them".

They look but do not SEE...they hear but do not LISTEN. They just ramble on...and on.

I just don't have the inclination to be bothered. And neither should the rest of us.
But hey, that's just *my* thoughts...


Anonymous said...

maybe they think you want it to be all about you.

Anonymous said...

Maybe they just want you to know that they have had the same thing happen to them & you are not alone in your pain or whatever. Or maybe they don't realize that they do this & maybe you should let them know when they do this. Or maybe it is all about them. I don't know. Never thought about it much until now.