Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Surviving Disappointments

Are there levels of disappointment? Sometimes people just fail to live up to my expectations. And they sometimes, betray, lie to and in general just disappoint me. But what about the time when there is no coming back from it? Like all the trust, respect and love you had for the person looks so minute and meager when weighed against the disappointment? Can you ever get over it? 'To forgive is divine' they say. But can there be a time when it's not in your capacity to forgive anymore? What if I have to shut things/people out in order to grow, in order to shun something I've been so used to, because it's doing nothing but sucking the life out of me?

Sigh. I hate change. How do I get over something I've been so used to? Somehow I had made peace with the regular disappointments. But there is a line I just don't cross, right? You have to stop letting yourself be used and stop throwing yourself out there somehow, no matter how strong it needs you to be. Argh. I need strength. Anyone selling any?


Bob G. said...

Now THIS is a great post...lot's to ponder.

I can forgive, as long as it doesn't become a "habit" with a particular person or persons.
But I will NEVER forget...
And that's MY "ace in the hole" they have to always remember.

I don't mind change, as long as it's never "change for change sake".
I draw my line there.

Sometimes, you DO have to move on in your life, while others remain content to spin their wheels, but that's on THEM...not you.

And as for expectations...in others?
I only hold them to standards that are truthful, meaningful, honorable and show a modicum of integrity.
If they can meet me halfway, that's fine.
Anything less puts you BOTH at risk for disappointment.

Keep the faith, dear!

Anonymous said...

I'm really sorry for not cleaning off your car! please forgive me... :(

Anonymous said...

Living a happy life means living a 'balanced life'. Since change is inevitable, it serves us well to stop long enough to place that "change" into good or bad catagories. Have I been here b/4? Do I want to do this again? Stay in the light! Just because the dark places have to be there for balance...you don't have to intentionally visit them. Great post.

Katie said...

If you don't forgive someone, you give them power over your life.

And we have to fogive to be forgiven.

Anonymous said...

I read one time that forgiveness is the act of giving up resentment toward someone, along with the desire to retaliate. And unforgiveness is one of the most destructive behaviors possible.
You can forgive someone without ever having to come face to face with them. And to do that, at least for me, has been a very freeing experience.

ms nk rey said...

Thanks every one for your comments. At my age you would think I would be over all this drama. It just makes me very sad. I wish they could be happy and enjoy what life is left for them. I so appreciate you taking time to leave your comments.