Saturday, February 27, 2010

Useless Knowledge

1. Q: What is the Levator Labii Superioris Alaeque Nasi? A: It’s the muscle you use to smile!

2. IRS fact: 20 million taxpayers a year wait until April to begin filling out their tax returns.

3. It takes a shark about a week to grown a new set of teeth.

4. There is a real insect called the love bug and it spends 56 hours ( more than 1/2 its life) mating.

5. Placed end to end, the bad checks Americans write in one year would stretch 35,000 miles.

6. The United States spends $79 million a day collecting "intelligence" around the world.

7. In Cleveland, Ohio, it's illegal to catch mice without a hunting license.

8. Four health clinics around the world specialize in bad breath. (two are in Philadelphia.)

9. Q: Where are the world's largest sculptures? A: Mt. Rushmore.

10. Nearly 75% of all U.S. Congress staff members suffer from heartburn.


Bob G. said...

Where DO you find all this stuff?
Regarding #10 -
And most ALL taxpayers suffer from it whenever they hear ANY of those congressmen speak...LOL

Have a great weekend.

springtime36 said...

Love the Tulips...THINK SPRING!

Anonymous said...

What? No pink! Love it!