Wednesday, February 24, 2010


Let me make this very clear  I am against choking. I will repeat that  I AM AGAINST CHOKING.

I just read this article (on the web) about children choking on food.

From aol news:

"According to the AAP, about 10,000 children younger than 14 are rushed to the hospital each year after choking on food, and up to 77 young people die, the statement said. All of this may be prevented, the academy says, with warning labels on packaging for hazardous foods, recalls on foods known to cause choking, and even the ‘redesign' of risky products like the hot dog."

With all sarcasm aside, every childhood death, no matter what the cause, is an unspeakable tragedy. I am in no way trying to trivialize that. That being said, despite all efforts tragedies happen every day. No amount of government control will eliminate this fact.

I do ask this question, exactly what is the parents role in this? Shouldn’t they be the ones who take responsibility for their children and what their children eat? Are parents now too stupid to cut up the child’s hot dog? Too Lazy?

Will they be required to print the warning label in Spanish?

To have that label on my pack of hot dog’s would insult my intelligence.


Bob G. said...

I have to WTH right along with you...!?!
I know there isn't a "handbook for parenting", but come ON now...
Learning to CHEW ONE'S FOOD is one of THE most BASIC aspects of life itself!
We CERTAINLY don't need some dumbass "warning label" on all our damn foods...

I wonder if Hebrew National Hotdogs will have YIDDISH warnings???

Maybe, if anything, we should place that stupid warning label on the foreheads of these PARENTS that do NOT make sure that kids know how to chew their food PROPERLY.

Makes me wonder how the hell we're going to genetically modify FRUIT TREES to shed produce with a label already imprinted upon each and every piece of fruit those trees bear.
And how MUCH would our illustrious governmnt want to waste needlessly with giveaway money to do so...
(I smell another "global warning scam...where's Al Gore?)

For God's sake...end the lunacy.

Where do these goofballs dream up such things, and how can we get them off those drugs?
This IS very insulting to normal people (like us)...

ms nk rey said...

Thanks Bobby G. Very well said.