Thursday, January 6, 2011

Annoying things:

  1. Famous people name their kids strange names.
  2. People who don't vote and then complain about the results.
  3. Eating in bed and leaving crumbs.
  4. People who can't seem to understand that " red eyes" are possible to remove in photos.
  5. Dirty fingernails.
  6. TV shows and commercials ads with ringing doorbells or phones, which make you into thinking the sound is coming from your house.
  7. How commercialized the holidays are.
  8. Wobbly tables.
  9. Women who use PMS as an excuse to be bitchy.
  10. People who always have to be right and have the last word.


Bob G. said...

1- Never have to worry about doing THAT one.
2- I've been known to do that in the past, but then again, I once voted for CARTER (what was I thinking???)
3- Don't do that at all.
4- It's the RED NOSE people have problems
5- The ONLY reason I don't like working on the cars!
6- And CAR HORNS...don't forget THOSE.
7- WAY too much!
8- AND chairs!
9- Wifey tries that every now and then...sorry, not biting!
10- Well, I tend to be right more often than wrong, but blame that on facts (today's post), yet others deserve to have the last word...sometimes...perhaps...if I'm not around...ROFL!

Nice list.

Stay warm down there.

Anonymous said...

#10 is you at least the last word, I saw that and my old er sister came to mind. you know.


ms nk rey said...

Anonymous, I see what you mean.

CWMartin said...

2. BOB!!! You voted for CARTER??? OMG my whole image is blown!!
3. That's what I have a dog for. :)
6.I can live with those... it's the ones who think the sound of typing on a keyboard is so damn neat that torque me.
10. I'm okay here. I only need one or the other.

Anonymous said...

Ok I'm last,jr

ms nk rey said...

Anonymous will you never learn? nkr

Anonymous said...

not yet!

ms nk rey said...

Have you never learned your sister never ever gives up?

indy said...

my pet peeve is when my dog eats on my couch when i am gone and somehow changes the tv channels. then throws her dog food around.

indy said...

whoops i forgot another one. rap music that has sirens in it. when i am thumping on my car stero and here that siren i about freak out. lol......yea, its not all talk radio in my car. ;)

Anonymous said...

The last word!rj

ms nk rey said...

I give up

Anonymous said...

about time!rj