Friday, January 14, 2011

Baby it’s cold outside



If you look really close you can see the goose tracks in the snow on the frozen Wabash.


Notice the geese in the background. If you click on the pictures they will open larger. Even though it is bitter cold it is a very beautiful view out my back door.

HONOLULU (HawaiiNewsNow) - According to national news sources, it is snowing in 49 states across the country including Hawaii where snow has fallen atop Mauna Kea on the Big Island.
Florida is the only state without fresh snow. And Global warming errrr climate change is kicking our butts.


Bob G. said...

That is SO serene...

I'd be out there, freezing my tush off feeding the geese (bet the heighbors would just LOVE that...LOL)

You are very blessed with such a nice view, and I'm glad you share it with us.
And do have yourself a VERY nice weekend.

ms nk rey said...

My Haiku for Bobby G.

Watch out
geese paddle to the shore
to poop.