Tuesday, January 4, 2011



: enjoyment obtained from the troubles of others

We all know people who love it when something bad happens to someone. It could be laughing when some one falls or secretly enjoying hearing that someone got arrested for shoplifting. Admit it, you either are one or you know one who feels better about themselves when bad things happen to others. It may have been an ex boss who treated you badly, an ex husband who was abusive to you. I don’t walk around and wish for something horrible to happen, like my ex to be hit by a bus, but if it were to happen I would admit to feeling a little tiny bit of enjoyment. I don’t think it makes me a bad person I think it makes me human. After all, I did not make it happen I merely would be indulging in a bit of schadenfreude. I think it is hard to not have at least a smidgen of schadenfreude for someone who has been mean to you in the past. I think that this is why Talk Shows like Maury and Jerry Springer are so popular on TV. We get to look into others misfortunes and that in turn makes us feel better about our selves.

My question is .. is it a shameful joy or guilty pleasure when something bad happens to someone. Or is it the happiness you experience when justice is served? Is Schadenfreude the stuff of conversation with buddies and beers at the local bar? Or is it best saved for the confessional?


Bob G. said...

Sounds the modus operandi of the locals on the SE side of Fort Wayne...

I like the JUSTICE ANGLE myself...not enough to that going around these days to suit me (but I always was a "hard-sell")

Excellent post.

Stay safe down there.

CWMartin said...

I would call it a comfort in knowing the karmic wheel yet turns. Or, more often, just chalk it up to someone displeasing the Broccoli Gods.

indy said...

good question. i have no answer. i personally would tell it to one of my female friends that dont gossip (i have 4 of them). and then confess about it to God. better to be in the open about it to Him and get it off your chest.