Monday, January 24, 2011

It is so cold:

  1. we had to stop eating with metal cutlery. Some people walked around for days with spoons or forks stuck to their tongues!
  2. hitchhikers are holding up pictures of thumbs!
  3. roosters are rushing into Kentucky Fried Chicken and begging to use the pressure cooker!
  4. I chipped a tooth on my soup!
  5. words freeze in the air. If you want to hear what someone said, you have to grab a handful of sentences and take them in by the fire!
  6. only guys with names like "Al" and "Ed" had time to write their names in the snow.
  7. instead of the "finger" - people rudely give you the "mitt".
  8. my porch thermometer reads "Ouch"!
  9. I saw an Amish man buying an electric blanket.
  10. Peecicles. Need I say more?


Bob G. said...


Oh yeah, it's JUST like that here!

Thanks for the Monday Funny.

Stay warm down there.

indy said...

too darn daughter for the first time in her life turned down the heat....coldest days of the year and she wants to save money on heating. i was amazed. well and i thought my furnace was out!!!!

ms nk rey said...

HeHe bring in your brass monkey its gonna be another cold night..

CWMartin said...

Scrappy agrees with the pee-cicles.

Joanne said...

This is so funny Thanks for the laugh! Blessings, Joanne