Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Going going gone

  1. Phone Booths.
  2. Postage stamps you lick.
  3. Hand written letters.
  4. Returnable coke bottles.
  5. Thank you notes.
  6. Oldsmobiles. Studebakers. Plymouths. Nash.
  7. Telephone operators.
  8. Kodachrome slides.
  9. Vinyl records.
  10. Floppy disks.
  11. Milkman.
  12. Polaroid cameras.
  13. Film.
  14. Dimmer switch on the floor.
  15. Dial phones.
  16. Elevator operators.
  17. Phone books
  18. Actual paper maps.
  19. Typewriters.
  20. Encyclopedias.
  21. Free TV.
  22. Actual cash.
  23. Sears catalog.
  24. Common sense.
  25. Imagination.
  26. Fountain pens and ink bottles.
  27. Cork guns
  28. VCR’s
  29. Roller skate keys.
  30. Saturday Evening Post.


Bob G. said...

ANd you know what?
I am missing EVERY ONE OF THEM (with a passion)!
Takes me back to a MUCH simpler time...with a LOT better values.
(and you have to add PONTICS to that car list...I still drive one - soon to be a "classic" ME...LMAO)
I AM hanging onto my VCRS (plural, as in three w/ one BETA machine) and records w/ turntable, though.

Short but sweet (or is that BITTERsweet) post.

Thanks for the memories.

Stay warm down there.

Anonymous said...

I would add this to the list: Turn signals on automobiles. My "daughter was shocked that "in the old days" we actually had to signal with our left arm stuck out the window.