Saturday, January 8, 2011

Sad Day for America

Today Arizona Rep. Gabby Giffords was shot in the head at close range. A total of 19 people were shot 6 people died including a 9 year old girl and a Federal Judge. The media is starting to point fingers and trying to blame the tea party. Please know EVERY group in the US, be they religious, atheist, Republican, Democrat, conservative, liberal has their lunatic fringe. Extremist nut jobs are not exclusive to one group. To try blame an entire group for the disgusting actions of someone is irresponsible, ignorant, and misguided. This tragedy has only one person to blame- THE SHOOTER. No one made him pull the trigger. He did that all by HIMSELF. Anger should be solely reserved for the perpetrator of this heinous act. Instead of pointing fingers, we should be pulling together to support those killed and injured in this attack. I truly believe that the morals of some people in this country has been depleted. I feel that we live in a country that is in transition from peace and love to hate and aggression. It seems like there are so many more reports of violence and just pure tragedy anymore. It is indeed a sad day for America.


Bob G. said...

I too think this a most heinous act commited by a very disturbed individual.

I've noticed that both the frequenmcy and intensity of such crimes have been on the uptick for a few years now. That's a very disturbing trend, given the new social and political climate in the country since 9/11.

Much of America's morals are in the crapper, as is it's civility.

We can't legislate bad decision-making unfortunately, because sooner or later, the government would blur THAT line as well.

Stricter gun laws are not the answer.
Legalizing drugs is not the answer.
More government intervention is not the answer.

That STILL leaves us a helluva lot more oprtion, though.
ANd most of THEM would make things better for everyone.

Very tragic, indeed.

Stay safe down there.

CWMartin said...

Exactly what I said over on TAW. It is ridiculous that we look to pointing fingers before any thought of comforting the grieved.

ms nk rey said...

It seems anytime something happens it is society's fault. Is there such a thing as personal responsibility any more?