Tuesday, January 25, 2011


I trust everyone. I believe that you are a good person till you prove differently. Well a person who I thought was honest and honorable let me down.

No matter how hard I try I am incapable of changing my idealistic outlook in life. I just can’t seem to “get” that some people just will not live up to my expectations. I wish I was strong enough to confront someone about their very hurtful behavior and outright abuse of friendship. I am very non confrontational and so I will keep hurting and trying to figure out what “I'” did wrong. It is probably very naive of me but I expect the best out of people.

Hope is sometimes a very annoying thing. Sometimes when you want to give up on a friend an annoying little voice in my head whispers.. “maybe things will change and get better”.

More Idealistic BS on my part?


Bob G. said...

Beautifully said.

Many times it's that true HOPE that sees us through some rough times.
It's an anchor for us in life.

Many people can't live up to their OWN expectations...or even LIFE'S expectations.
That's NOT on you, dear.

And it's never wrong to expect the best from people...just as long as we expect the best from ourselves as well.

Very good post.

Stay safe down there.

indy said...

i go threw this very thing too. no its not idealistic bs. its just the way we are wired to be loving and forgiving. most people i know dont think i am all that loving and forgiving but i am too.

CWMartin said...

All you can do is remember- you can't control what other people do, or how they are. Only who you are and what you do.

It's a fallen world, and that means we have to measure out trust according to the person we're dealing with.

Simon Bolivar said, "Judgement comes from experience, and experience comes from bad judgement." Unfortunately, sometimes that's all we have to go by. But Jesus told Peter 70 times 7 times, and so we go on.

Hugs for you. Thanks for your trust.

Joanne said...

Found your blog through Anythingat Anytime. I know how you feel. a dear friend betrayed my trust and its been years and she doesn't understand why we are not as close.I think its hardest to forgive someone who has not asked for forgiveness. Its a struggle. Love your blog. I'm your newest follower! Blessings, Joanne