Monday, March 7, 2011


No matter where you stand on the budget battle, you must agree on one thing…… our government is BROKE. out of money, in debt, destitute, with out funds, devoid of money, insolvent, penniless, financially strapped, in other word a negative cash flow. Along with the government I am also becoming insolvent. I worked all my life, except for a couple years here and there when my kids were little, ( even when I did not have a “real job” I did babysitting and took in ironings, ) I get Social Security and a small pension. I have not gotten a raise in my Social Security in the last 2 years as the cost of living has not increased..I am not sure what planet they live on but my cost of living has increased with grocery prices going thru the roof, I won’t even start with gas prices, and now I am almost too broke to buy myself a pack of gum. How about you?

1 comment:

Bob G. said...

We're not "broke"...not yet, anyway, but when it comes to finances (that we never had in abundance when I was little), My Dad taught me something...
"Don't try to be a damn oak tree...learn to bend."
The bending part is easy, until you start to look like a refugee from a pretzel factory.

Many times, we're six ways bent from Tuesday, especially in times like these.

People like yourself that HAVE paid your dues deserve better, that much is certain.

One of the first things the government SHOULD have done ages ago, was to separate those defrauding the government programs from those who have busted their tails off to get what they put INTO the system.
Fair is fair here.

Not many of us are that far away from financial ruin...all it takes is that "unknown" factor to trip the trigger.

Hang in there & keep the faith.

And stay safe down there.