Thursday, March 10, 2011

Ugly Words

I was thinking how ugly the word mucus sounded in that commercial. So I have come up with a few words that I think are ugly. Do you have any to add?

1. Booger
2. Phlegm
3. Pus
4. Regurgitate
5. Crotch
6. Bunion
7. Puke
8. Scab
9. Discharge
10. Curdle
11. Tax
12. Fecal
13. Hate


Bob G. said...

Normally I WOULD add the word DEMOCRAT....LOL.
But, being as how I might be in mixed company (here) I'll refrain from becoming overly-graphic.

Like..."I thought it was a BOOGER, but it's not". (say it fast-lol)

(and there are a lot of words I wouldn't use because of that)

I like YOUR list.


Stay safe down there.

Joanne said...

Chum bucket


those give me the heebee geebees. Have a great weekend! Blessings, Joanne

ms nk rey said...

Joanne, yes cancer is the ugliest word of all.. thanks for stopping