Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Worry Worry Worry

I am a worrier, I worry about what others think of me. There I said it. This was pounded into my head all thru my childhood. And, of course, I want acceptance like most people do.

I don’t like to stand out in a crowd or be the center of attention and I am always concerned about looking foolish in public.

I have missed many important things because I am paralyzed with fear and worry.

Almost every thing that came out of my dad’s mouth was “what will the neighbor’s think?” “What will people say?” When the truth is there is nothing I can do to change the way they think or what they say. I have let this control my life for years.

I logically know it is silly to worry about things I can not change I still do it and do it daily. I am amazed that I was able to function as well as I did for so many years.

My question is… Is Happiness simply the absence of Worry?


Alice said...

I used to be THE biggest worrier ever.

Over the years the Lord has taken it from me, although I certainly still have struggles with it from time to time.

I think peace is the opposite of worry, or perhaps joy. The joy of knowing it is all going to be okay and HE has it all under control.

An old friend of mine used to say:

"If you pray, why worry? If you worry, why pray?"

That always stuck with me, so now when I feel worry start to rise if I take it to Him in prayer immediately, He gives me peace:)

billie said...

I am a worrier too. Always have been...not sure why. I believe that everyone struggles with something. Whether it be worry, sadness, anger, or whatever. See now I will worry about what my friends are struggling with...sigh. Does it never end? Hang in you!
Billie :~)

Bob G. said...

Yeah, I;m guiilty also, and many times over really simple stuff...

I can't say whether happiness is derived because of the LACK of worry, only that CONTENTMENT does come from the ACCEPTANCE of worry and moving past it.
But if THAT makes you happy, then "mission accomplished".

Besides, if we DIDN'T worry, wouldn't that mean we didn't care?

Just a thought.

Good post.
Lots to think abiout.

Stay safe down there.

ms nk rey said...

I spent most of the day worrying if anyone would read my post..
Thanks for all your comments today and for reading my blog.
Billie yamf

Joanne said...

I am a big worrier! and Yes my Mom was always so concerned on what other's thought...but whats funny is now that she is older she could care less what people think! Blessings, Joanne