Saturday, March 12, 2011

Thank You.

Everything in life is a balance. The basic idea is you reap what you sow. Then I also assume that you should receive an amount equal to what you have given. In my life that just doesn’t happen. I have given support and energy to people who have never returned it. They don’t seem to appreciate anything up to and including my friendship. They are oblivious of me. At some point I need to stop and think; where do I go from here. What can I do so they will appreciate me and then it hits me. They never will.ever.ever. They are too consumed with their own needs. How do I stop from making this mistake again? Or is that who the word “bastard” was designed for? It is so easy to feel sorry for myself, so easy to judge others, it is a struggle that is not getting any easier as I age. Perhaps the answer is that like life, this balance thing is also unfair. And in case you have given me something or done something for me and I did not notice.. “Thank You”


CWMartin said...

This is the meaning behind Mathew 6:3. Give without expecting return. Your Father in heaven will repay in heaven. Expecting repayment from others is a lot like expecting Scrappy to clean up his messes.

Bob G. said...

Took the words right out of my nouth there...
(still, it WOULD be "nice" to get a little "taste" now and again...'ya listening, Lord?)

I'm just sayin'.

I have people JUST like that living all around us these days...

I don't TRY to even talk with them...totally pointless.

I feel if the problem gets like's GOD'S problem even more than it is mine.
I'm trying to do what's right...and that's good enough for me and mine.

Stay safe up there.

Joanne said...

I know it hurts because it happens to me too. Don't change who you are because of these few ingrates. when you move on and they realize that you are not paying them much attention the light will come on in their head. In the meantime be happy that at least YOu have done the right thing. great post. Blessings, Joanne