Wednesday, March 9, 2011


A study I once read showed the impact of living with flowers had on us... that fresh flowers in a home increased kindness and compassion, they were calming, and even seemed to keep away worry and sadness. It also said that people who live with flowers in their home have lower blood pressure , less anxiety and less negativity and boosted energy levels and more productivity. (I know I tend to keep my home cleaner and I am happier when I have a pretty vase of flowers!) It was also suggested that homes with flowers have fewer fights and fewer bouts of sickness and depression. That's enough for me.


Bob G. said...

I know I tend to "calm down" a LOT faster when the garden is in full-swing...
(or when it snows a lot during winter...LOL)

Anything that is a display of NATURAL BEAUTY is wonderful...and can even be a bit awe-inspiring.
(and that's from a former "city-boy")

Have a great Wednesday.

Joanne said...

I completely believe it! They jsut naturally brighten any room. Blessings, Joanne