Monday, March 28, 2011


When my kids were growing up it was easy to leave them alone for awhile. They were older and responsible. In today's times you cannot leave your children alone. Times have changed. Some of it is for the better, other for the worse. I don't know if there are more child sexual predators out there now or if there are just more people speaking up about it.(I live in a tiny little town of under 1000 souls and we now have 2 sex offenders living here.) I do know that there is more exposure to what is bad and evil in the world.

The good people of the world need to expose more of the good things that are happening. There is a great need for the good news. There is a great need for people to take a stand and say no more. Expose our children to what is right, not what is wrong. If someone is always exposed to the ugly and negative things then that is how they will see life. Smiles will be few and far between. Yes it may be a lot of work to find the beauty and goodness is things, places, people, but if you don't look , you will never find it. Good spreads just like evil and bad does. Why not spread good? It will make the world a better place for our children and their children.


Bob G. said...

I can say from experience that my parents always taught me what was good...BUT also showed me the consequences of what was bad.
These days, it's hard to see ANMY good, but then I look to the many smaller things in life...start from there.
That makes it MUCH easier to spot the good, believe me.
And all those little things DO add up.

Stay safe down there.

Joanne said...

Amen! Blessings, Joanne