Friday, March 18, 2011

Post in which I get political.

First I want to say I don’t hate Obama. I don’t think he has some hidden agenda to socialize the United States. I believe he was born in Hawaii and don’t think he forged his birth certificate. I don’t agree with many of his policies I do admire his attempt to reach across the aisle to get things done. Before you think I am a naive uninformed person that has been influenced by the media, I am not lacking in morals and I am not ignorant. I cringe when I hear people blame Obama for everything from lines at the air port to invasive searches before boarding. I thought after 8 years of everyone bashing Bush that Republicans would be bigger than that. I was wrong. It is ok to disagree with someone. There is more than one way to attack a problem, and sometimes there is NO answer. Problems at the Presidential level are complicated and the results could be dangerous. There is no instruction book to follow.

For the record, I am a registered Republican, I am for tax cuts, immigration reform and I believe in protecting our rights, I belong to the NRA and I am pro life. I don’t know how to solve our problems. But I do think we can disagree and not be mean and disrespectful. It is NOT okay to be hateful and mean spirited because you disagree with someone. After all, name calling just weakens your argument in my eyes.


Anonymous said...

Yes he sure reached across the aisle when the dems controled both houses, didn't he? Obamaaaa care?

CWMartin said...

I do think his attempts havr been more fair than he's given credit for, but his "success rate" is abysmal, his policies are misguided, and he has the bad fortune to live in an all-or-nothing political climate. I agree: politics is too polarized and has been since the hypocrites of the 1970's congress started their witch hunt on Nixon.

Bob G. said...

I don't hate the guy either, but his "solutions" to pending problems is beyond ridiculous (spend MORE to "save" money? Sorry, that doesn't work all that well around our place)

And both parties are guilty of doing WRONG things for RIGHT reasons.

I just think the people Obama surrounds himself with REALLY need to be looked at, becasue they do seem less than noble in their intent to keep AMERICA for AMERICANS.

It's not so much about AMERICA these days as it is "for the party"...sounds a bit too "familiar" to these ears.

Good post and comments.

Have a great weekend.
Stay safe down there.