Friday, March 4, 2011

Six on Friday

1. Have you ever called 911 for an emergency? No I have not. One time I misdialed and it rang 911, embarrassing.

2. Do you spend more or save more? I am actually saving some money each month, however my actual expenses are higher, gas and utilities have went up dramatically and groceries OMGosh so much more every month.

3. How many live plants do you have in your house? I actually have 12 live plants, they are all in pretty good shape too, my orchid and some of my violets are in bloom.

4. What was the last thing you did to exercise? Well it is like this folks, with my COPD I don’t exercise, just walking across the room is my exercise. I will confess that even when I was healthy I hated it.

5. Where do you compare with regard to your parents: do you feel like an adult, or still like the "kid?" If you feel like an adult, when did you first feel that way? I feel like an adult. I cannot remember the first time I felt like one. I could never compare myself to my parents.

6. Who is the last person you received a personal card or letter from that wasn't sent to mark a special occasion? My special faraway friend from North Carolina sent me a beautiful card for no reason. I have the best friends.

I found this little questionnaire on the web and thought it would be fun. I am anxious to see your answers.


Bob G. said...


1-- I was swapping the batteries in our one hpone, and it dialed 911 by itself...
I had a ringback from the FWPD, and they asked what my emergency was?
I told them I didn't call them...that was embarrassing, too.

2-- We're also saving AND spending..hard to balance it all out, but we're NOT in the red anywhere.

3-- None to speak of ('cause of the cats), but he DO have a LOT of plants living all around us (and on welfare).
Well, they work AS HARD as plants...does that count?

4-- Almost vaulted our fence to tell some kids off that were tossing huge rocks (and at 58, that ain't easy)

5-- Depends on the mood.
I really don't see myself "as old" as was Dad was, but the mirror tels another story. I like to hang on to some child-like qualities. Nothing wrong with that.

6-- My dear Friend Mark in Delaware...buddy since high school, and a "brother" in spirit.

Hope you're LESS "anxious"

Have a great weekend.
Stay safe and DRY down there.

Anonymous said...

1. No I haven't
2. Probably evens itself out.
3. Three in the house
4. Walked up & down the basement steps today several times.
5. When my parents were alive, I never felt like an adult around my Mom, but I did around my Dad.
6. I got a nice email from my sister -in-law in Fl. yesterday.

CWMartin said...

1. Nope, not even a butt dial. Laurie either.
2. I did put away some during the busy season, but several rainy days later... spend.
3. We have two bamboo shoots on the kitchen table. Laurie would like more, but her green thumb index is just above herbicide.
4. Last thing for both of us was work. Although I did walk scrappy and later beat him up Thursday night. Laurie had today off and basically vegged.
5. Laurie says since she left home. Me? I'd say, by the post I wrote last March 14th tagged on Circle of life... within the last two years. Sad, ain't it?
6.Laurie says unless you count "thank you for your business" letters, she doesn't recall any. Me? Geez, lessee.... I had a pen pal just after high school...

ms nk rey said...

Since I wrote this entry I went into my back room and lo and behold my Christmas Cactus' are blooming again. And that was my exercise for today.

Cindy Caudle said...

1. Have you ever called 911 for an emergency? Yes, I had someone try to break into my house during the middle of the night.

2. Do you spend more or save more? Saving more. I realize I have more stuff than I need.

3. How many live plants do you have in your house? 6. I kill plants. They are lucky they are alive.

4. What was the last thing you did to exercise? I have COPD also. I try to walk some.

5. Where do you compare with regard to your parents: do you feel like an adult, or still like the "kid?" Like an adult.

6. Who is the last person you received a personal card or letter from that wasn't sent to mark a special occasion? My sweet niece. She made my day.