Wednesday, May 27, 2009

I have always loved house plants.

But did you know that houseplants are actually healthy for you? Houseplants are often-overlooked helpers in cleaning (Clean air is a necessity for COPD sufferers) the air of pollutants and toxins, counteracting out gassing and contributing to balanced internal humidity.

NASA found over 300 compounds being released into the air on one of their flights and began testing houseplants for their power to absorb pollutants. Not only do house plants convert carbon dioxide into oxygen, but many are super air "cleaners". For instance, Philodendrons, Spider Plants and Pathos are expert at filtering formaldehyde from the air released through "off gassing." This compound is found in paints, cushions, fabrics, even shampoos. Many construction materials contain formaldehyde. The toxic FEMA trailers of NOLA come to mind.

Gerber Daisies and Chrysanthemums are experts at absorbing benzene, a known carcinogen, found in plastics, synthetic rubber and dyes. There is a lot of information on the web about plants and their ability to help clean our air, and the ones to avoid if you have animals or small children.

Here are some common toxic plants Asparagus fern, Geranium, Chrysanthemum, Dieffenbachia, Easter lily, and the Weeping fig.

They also will live a long time with a little love and tenderness. I have a Christmas cactus that was given me years ago. It still blooms.

So do yourself and favor and surround yourself with as many plants as possible. Not only are they aesthetic, but healthy too.

1 comment:

Bob G. said...

Love to oblige, but we have 2 cats...and they LOVE to get into "stuff' they're NOT supposed to.

I still agree with you 100%.
When we had a dog, Mom ALWAYS had plants in the house, hanging OR on the window sills.

(which kind of explains ALL the tropical plants and assorted foliage in the homes of those pot
