Monday, May 4, 2009

Since I Quit Smoking

  1. My horrible hacking disgusting smoker’s cough is gone! I rarely cough now and when I do it is pitiful little cough compared to my smoking hacking cough.
  2. I have saved so much money!
  3. I feel better. I can’t even find words to say how much better I feel.
  4. I smell better. I honestly had no idea how bad I used to smell. My house smells fresher, my car no longer reeks of tobacco smoke.
  5. Food tastes so much better. As my weight gain proves.
  6. The air my grandkids breathe is cleaner.
  7. I do not get sick as much as when I smoked. (I am however becoming more and more concerned about this swine flu that is spreading so fast)
  8. I am glad that I have resisted going back to smoking. It is easy now but at first it was a daily test.
  9. No more late night runs to pick up cigarettes.
  10. No more digging around looking for money to buy my smokes.

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