Thursday, May 28, 2009

Jon and Kate

A few thoughts on Jon and Kate.

My life is now divided into 2 periods: before I knew about Jon and Kate and after I knew. I have been reading articles and watching videos of them all day. I am trying to figure out which is more disturbing watching Farrah Fawcett’s last days or watching Jon and Kate’s marriage disintegrate. I have always watched this show. The kids are so cute and loud. I am really pulling for them and so I have a couple solutions for them. They could sell off 4 of the least attractive kids and take the money and buy Apple stock. The new iPhone is gonna be big. They could put the kids to work making Nikes in a Bangladeshi sweat shop. Their show is child exploitation at a whole new level. It is no longer their daily life it is them dragging the kids to the museum, light house, Lego land, etc. One day these children are going to question all this. I do believe the kids are loved. My final solution would be a slight change in the show’s format. Make it more like Survivor. Each week the audience gets to vote one kid off the show there by saving them from this train wreck of a show. Poor Jon and Kate are not doing so great.

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