Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Rain Rain Go AWAY

It is spring time and it is Indiana so I expect a few showers, well we have had an over abundance of rain this spring season. We have beautiful green grass, spring flowers and tiny little leaves coming on the maple trees in my yard.

The rain and accompanying humidity really messes up my breathing. I end up short of breath and as a result even walking takes all my energy and effort.

I turn into the best couch potato ever. I am really enjoying the old movies. Some in black and white. I owned a video store for years. I had over a thousand movies. So I have always had a love for films. (For the actors not so much.) When I got sick I was forced to close my store and I actually sold most of my inventory on ebay. Now in just the few years since I had my store the format has changed again. Things change, Times change. Weather changes and on we go. It may look like I am doing nothing but I am actively waiting for the rain to go away

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