Friday, May 15, 2009

Kate's Hair

Dear Kate, please fire your hairdresser.

Do you know who Kate Gosselin is? She is the wife and mother on Jon and Kate plus 8 on TLC. Kate is a very attractive fit looking woman who has given birth to a set of twins and sextuplets. There is a lot of gossip out there now about Jon having an affair, about Kate having an affair. How convenient that they have another book out. Nothing like a media storm to sell books! Personally I hope all the gossip is wrong and they keep their family together. But I want to talk about her hair. I am kinda scared of it. It is sort of a reverse mullet; it is spikey on top, on the right, and in the back and then a long swoop of bangs that take over the entire left side of her face. Oh, and add some chunky blonde streaks in there too. The crown sticks up like chicken feathers. I am not sure what the back looks like but in my mind I picture a ducks butt. ? Seriously, she can afford better. I'm not a big fan of hair in your eyes. Kate's cut is very retro, you are all too young to remember it. Its Sassoon baby. We wore scary hair like that in 1968. I have been struggling with that hair style for months now but couldn't find the words. Just that Kate’s hair is downright terrifying. I think Kate is still in a personality quandry.trying to be perfect in an imperfect world, hence the hair. I feel for her...and her hair. The scary thing about Kate's hair is that I have seen several other people with it lately.....she may be starting the new Dorothy Hammel or Jennifer Aniston trend. Lets give poor Kate give her a break she's had a litter of children. Her hair is her hair...and I'm sure she thinks it looks great!
I don't want to be mean, but maybe Kate's horrendous hairstyle is partly what's causing her marriage problems with Jon? I heard that she makes $75,000 for each show the family does, so how does she not have money to pay a stylist? Or doesn't anyone love her enough to tell her it's just not working out? I think that once she fixes her hair, her whole life will turn around. It makes me want to stab hot needles in my eyes.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree her hair is down right ugly.
She looks terrible.
I have read that she is very proud of it and proud that other people want it.
I would rather shave my head than wear that scary do!!
She really needs to fix it. It makes her look like a poor hobo.