Monday, October 12, 2009


Once the season turns, it's time to make a list, and check off all of those necessary fall chores. From sweeping out gutters to raking up leaves, there's no end to the tasks that need attention. My least favorite fall chore is actually asking my family and friends for help. I have a handy man come and do the climbing since none of my family climbs. From cleaning the gutters to lighting my little space heater pilot light they are all more than I can manage anymore.

I can’t do the fall chores myself, so it's the time spent waiting for friends and family that's difficult for me to manage. Also, since money is tight, everything I do revolves around my budget. Plenty of my friends dread the fall cleanup too, and often hire neighborhood kids to rake their leaves or clean around their homes. However, on a lighter note, fall, for all of its attendant chores, is still unsurpassed among the seasons for its beauty. Mother Nature loads up her palette and lets fly. The smell of leaves burning and the sound of leaf rakes at work let us know that winter isn't far behind and we should enjoy this season while we can. What's your least favorite fall chore?


Bob G. said...

In MY case, I have to add "change out SUMMER mailox for WINTER mailbox, due to vandalsim" to the list...LOL.
(chk my'll know exactly what I'm talking about)
Oh, almost forgot... (note to self)...add BUY MORE AMMO to list (in case of "varmint" infestation.'s a MONDAY.


Anonymous said...

Add the smell of burning firewood and the sounds of hypocrite Al Gore's gnashing teeth to the winter mix. Gotta love Fall.