Thursday, October 15, 2009

Wrinkly and nearly dead

It’s probably bad for me. I should stop all this blogging stuff, and settle down to a nice, safe retirement. I must stop taking risks and getting impassioned about things in case I look ridiculous. I must not spend money in the hopes of making money. I must accept that as a woman past a certain age, I am - well - wrinkly and nearly dead.

I resent the suggestion that I am intent on getting old disgracefully. I was never physically graceful in the first place, having been, all my life, at best a big tall woman. And why is it disgraceful to want to continue living as I always have? Does some kind of switch go off when you hit 60 that causes all the interesting urges you have to become somehow embarrassing?

I must stress, this is not about my family and friends. They are wonderful. They know and accept me as I am, encourage me to enjoy myself - even aid and abet me in doing dangerous things!

People in stores are inclined to call me ‘mam’ or ‘hun’ and speak to me in a somewhat odd tone. Someone even said, ‘Bless’ about something I said recently. They were not aware of how close they were to a white trash fit. I was so angry I couldn’t move for fear of getting arrested for assault.

My generation, the post war babies did not fight in the war. But we did work for many years, paying all the time in one way nor another towards our pension. And now we are reaping the reward - the anger of the media and the resentment of those who are just entering employment with the knowledge that they will have to save for their own retirement. It isn’t as though my generation didn’t save. I never felt that owning stuff was my right! I’m not complaining that people have too much - I think it’s great. But a lot of how it is now, with everyone having more things than I could ever have believed possible, is because my generation worked like mad to make it happen.

So I’m not subsiding into silence in my little home. . I’m not repentant, nor embarrassed about being retired and enjoying myself. The future is such an exciting place, and for a lot more years yet I’m going to live in it.


Anonymous said...

Love it! Give 'em hell Mz.Scarlet! You have my vote! Ummmm......does that mean I can't call you "Hun"?....sigh.

Bob G. said...

That is a wonderful "take" on life...and how to live it (esp at our ages)...
I really got a lot out from this post.

Thanks, "Hon"

(sorry...force of habit from my/our generation...and YES, I will open doors for ladies, too.)


ms nk rey said...

Gee thanks Guys, you both have permission to call me hun or hon. Just not condescending cashiers, who act like it is a pain to wait on me. Thanks for visiting. I always appreciate your comments.