Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Scratch That

Hey there, scratch-off guy. Funny seeing you again. Seems like every time I stop at my local Quik-E-Mart you are at the counter redeeming your winning scratch-offs.
What's that? You won $5 with that batch? Super! Only cost you $15, so that's not a total wash, is it? Now if I could just pay for my soda and stuff...No? Not finished? Well, that's fine. I guess I could hang out for a bit. Man, it really IS hard to pick which scratch-offs you want.
I mean, they are all so tempting, and they have those cute little names like Hoosier Millions, Fat Cash and Bah Humbucks. Oh the decisions. They are all so brightly colored and shiny!
I have an idea. Why don't you buy the one called Dumb $hit$? Because that's what you are if you think you are EVER going to come out ahead on your little card-stock gambling substitutes.
Wait. I'm sorry. I am just having a little sugar crash. Hence my stop here at the convenience store. Go ahead and gamble your disposable income. Not my place to judge.
By the way, have you noticed that the line is now 4 people deep? We're all waiting on you to make up your mind. I'd ask if you pulled this $hit in line at the post office, but let's face it. You don't look like the stamp collecting type. Not unless stamps came with a little graphite covered section that gave you a chance to win $5, right?
Come to think of it. I've seen you at the cable company, paying your bill. No need to buy stamps when you can spend all day driving around the city paying your person...late.
Oh great. You've pulled the trigger on the Deal or No Deal scratch off. That's cute. It’s just like the TV show, and it has a ton of little things to scratch off. Wait; don't start fishing in your pocket for change! Dear lord, how can you think it’s OK to sit and scratch that right there at the counter?
Come to think of it, I don't need a soda. Think I'll just head home and stick my head in the oven.
Thanks, scratch-off guy.


Bob G. said...

Had the SAME thing happen last week when I went to get gas at the BP/Sparky-Mart...

Used my GAS CARD, as I do EVERY other week, and it said "see attendant inside", so in I go, and there was only two other people there...

One was buying something, but the cashier couldn't figure out the "change-making" thing on the register (shoulda stayed in SCHOOL???)

The OTHER was a "lotteryholic" (my word)...picking every damn scratch off in creation, while I stood...and fumed, because I couldn't get 12 gallons of fuel in our damn car!!!

It was like she was shopping at Lord & Taylors...wanting to see every single frigging scratch off...and stood there, scratching away while buying more...must be nice to "live off the gub'ment" (yeah, she was one of THOSE).

I stormed out saying "I don't have time for THIS shit"...
I think someone got the hint...and we got gas elsewhere...sorry for YOUR loss, but YOU brought it on YOURSELVES.
Other stations still LIKE making money off of me.

it's callaed capitalism.

Good post.

Anonymous said...

Wow you hit the nail on the head with this one.