Tuesday, October 6, 2009


David Letterman opened his show tonight with an apology to his wife and staff for having sex with several of his female employees.

Dave took a few pokes at himself before saying he's sowwy to the ole' wife unit Regina Lasko.

I love when people only apologize and feel regret AFTER they've been caught.

Does anyone ever decide during "the act" or shortly after to come clean and regret it before they get found out? Nope, guess not.
IMHO This apology came too late and for the WRONG reasons.

David Letterman issued a "sincere apology" to his wife during the monologue of his show wasting no time in addressing his controversial handling of the extortion plot against him.
It was Dave's first show back since he admitted to having sexual relationships with multiple female members of his staff.

Dave went on "at length" about his situation, sometimes using humor ... and sometimes getting serious.
Letterman also apologized to the women who work on his show.

What he should have said is "Dear Regina, I'm so very, very sorry ..... I got caught! Of course, if I was REALLY sorry about hurting YOU, I would never have done it."


Bob G. said...

Couldn't have said it better myself...

A perfect assessment of a nasty situation.
Maybe Letterman needs a refresher course in INTEGRITY-101?
...just a thought.

ms nk rey said...

I totally agree Bobby G. A good dose of Integrity just could help him. Silly me I thought he was one of the good ones. Thanks for stopping by.
His wife may not be speaking to him, but I'm not watching him any more. He is old, angry, and now, a hypocrite! Time to retire Dave!!

Anonymous said...

I recall having watched his show once. That was enough for me. Chracter, or the lack of it, tells quickly.