Friday, October 23, 2009

Friday Facts

  1. A snowstorm becomes a blizzard when the temp drops below 2o°F and wind speed hits 35 mph.
  2. On an average day, 102 people visit the Dr. Pepper Museum in Waco, Texas.
  3. Reindeer are the only species of deer in which the female grows antlers.
  4. Istanbul, which sits half in Europe and half in Asia, is the only city on two continents.
  5. Tchaikovsky reportedly committed suicide by drinking cholera-contaminated water.
  6. People with heart disease are 2.4 times more likely to have a heart attack when they are angry.
  7. There are more than 35 million ex-smokers in the U.S.
  8. The flu was first described by Hippocrates, in 412 B.C.
  9. People in Salt Lake City eat more Jell-O than citizens in any other state
  10. The U.S. Congress didn't make "The Star Spangled Banner" the national anthem until 1931.


Anonymous said...

Here's one for you. Coca-Cola used to contain cocaine. Love your lists.

Bob G. said...

Another fantastic list...(note to self - I must visit Waco if not in this life, then the enxt one...I love Dr. Pepper)

Did NOT know that about Tchaikovsky...interesting.
(lousy way to go, too)

Jello-O and Mormons...who'da thunk?

On that "ex-smoker" count...does that include the DECEASED ones too?
('cause my folks would add TWO to that number)
I'm just sayin'...

Wonder how angry people fare with STROKES?
(betcha that number's closely related)

Thanks for getting my weekend off & running.

Have a great one yourself.