Wednesday, October 21, 2009


I stayed up all night because I obviously have nothing better to do; actually when insomnia comes calling you may as well get up and keep it company. Of course the television had to stay up too. Damned if I want to be completely alone. Well anyways watching the boob tube commercials really got me to wondering how folks in the old days did anything without help. I mean like going to the bathroom for one thing or eating fruit because God knows everyone needs fruit but why eat it? We have yogurt with microbes in it to make us “well you know” poop; we have water with fruit in it so we do not actually have to eat the fruit. How did our ancestors deal with hemorrhoids for crying out loud? I don't think they exploded and remember they used corn cobs for toilet paper! There are even bands you wrap around your gut that exercises the muscles because we are too lazy to actually get up and walk. We have cream to put on them and if that isn't bad enough people use the same cream on their face!

We have scooters to sit our asses on to grocery shop because we are too lazy to actually walk. Hell we even have sidewalks to get us to our plane so we do not have to waste precious energy by walking. North Carolina has an Aquarium with a moving sidewalk so you can just stand and watch the fish without having to spend any energy. We have microwaves so we do not have to cook real food, when we do use our ovens they clean themselves so we do not have to bend over and use elbow grease. Virtual pets save time and keep us from actually having to walk an animal, or feed it unless you feed it pretend food. Yes we are lazy, I wonder why?

1 comment:

Bob G. said...

I could see changes like this coming from the 70s...
We USED to be an agrarian society...then we became a manufacturing society (industrial revolution).

Then, in the 70s, we started to become an "information-gathering" society (computers).

NOW..we're more like an "entertainment-driven" society.
(it keeps us from thinking about REALITY)

And the path to laziness got WIDER (along with our rumps) along the way.

We're no longer pursuing that which made America stronger...we're sitting back, waiting for that next entitelment to knock at the door (or come on the TV screen).

I'll bet our pioneer ancestors are rolling in their graves.

Good points from a great post.