Tuesday, October 13, 2009


Trivia (singular: trivium) are unimportant (or "trivial") items, especially of information.
Some useless information I have collected.
  1. The Mona Lisa has no eyebrows.
  2. As a person ages, the first sense to go is the sense of smell.
  3. F. Scott Fitzgerald wrote nine books in 1939. He was paid a total of $33 for them.
  4. Chickens snore.
  5. Elephants are the only animals in the world that can't jump.
  6. Seventy-three percent of women say they'd rather be "brilliant but plain" than "sexy but dumb."
  7. The ratio of lobbyists to senators in Washington, D.C. is 71 to 1.
  8. In Boise, Idaho's 1985 mayoral election, Mr. Potato head received four write-in votes.
  9. In Bangkok, Thailand, ice skates are known as "hard water shoes."
  10. "Honcho" is a Japanese word that means "squad leader." It was Americanized after WWII, hence Head Honcho.
  11. Sleepwalking is hereditary.
  12. Queen bees don't use their stingers-except to kill other queen bees. (You reading this Kate Gosselin?)
  13. Men are three times more likely than women to commit suicide after a unhappy love affair. (You reading this Jon Gosselin?)
  14. It takes 3,000 cows to supply the NFL with enough leather for a year's supply of footballs.
  15. Most expensive city in the world for grocery shopping: Tokyo


Bob G. said...

That's some cool stuff to know...
SO much for an elephant basketball team...
LOL...love the Gosselin references!

3000 cows?
How the hell come PETA isn't all over the NFL?
(guess SPORTS are more "ethical"...than CLOTHING...or EATING...who knew?)

(note to self: next time in Tokyo...stop ONLY at McD's...!)

Good stuff!!!

Anonymous said...

Fun List!