Friday, August 17, 2012

5 on Friday

1. It the election were tomorrow, who would you vote for?
I don’t vote for the party, I don’t vote for a person because of their looks or the color of their hair or skin.  I choose the candidate that closely matches my own beliefs. I understand compromise is necessary and ability to lead is a must. I always hope for honesty.

2. What are the main things that lead you to vote for a certain person?
in a candidate: I look for the ability to make the right points bluntly, effectively and briefly. I am suspect of hedgers. I am suspect of cautious fence-sitters.
In a president: I want tenacity, forthrightness and candor. Willing to fight against odds for what we care about, a willingness to compromise to achieve, a willingness to put the nation above party when its called for.
The desire to win cannot be overshadowed by the fear of losing.

3. Where do you get your info on the candidates?
Everywhere, TV, the web, newspapers and the radio.

4. Who was president when you were born?
Yikes that was a really long time ago.. FDR was in his third term as president.

5. If you could choose anyone, dead or alive, to be president, who would it be?
I would chose me because I know I would do a good job. But since my health is so fragile I guess I will go with Lincoln. Not only did he hold the Union together during,  it's most turbulent period, he influenced people who hated him, didn't want to fight, didn't mind slavery, and wanted to see the Union dissolve. Lincoln managed Washington DC, the War, and Politics with a skill unmatched in history.


Anonymous said...

1) Its nobodys business who I vote for..well except you & you already know who I will vote for. lol
2)Well, I'm not as articulate as you in stating how I feel, but I can only say I will vote for the person I believe in.
3)From my husband, because he keeps up to date & very well informed on all the candadates & issues.
5)Bill Clinton

Bob G. said...


1) Other than a write-in for ME?
Too many who aren;t running...Romney probably.

2) Their CHARACTER and how they work that into the ISSUES and solutions they propose.
Tell me the TURTH...I'm a big boy.

3) Anywhere and everywhere I can.

4) Dwight D. Eisenhower
(yeah, we like Ike)

5) I'd go with a redux of Lincoln...I think after the CiVIL WAR, this economy's problems would be like a "rest" for him.
My second choice might be to see him dress down the PRESS...and fellow politicians. (The Chris Christy of HIS day)

Good list.

Have a great weekend.
Stay safe down there.

CWMartin said...

1- Romney.
2- Obviously I tend to avoid welfare enablers, socialists, and blatent liars.
3- From Facebook like everyone else.
4- Jack Kennedy.
5- You've been to my blog- Nixon now and forever!