Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Ahhhhh now I feel better:

Things that annoy me today.

1. When someone hangs the toilet paper wrong. It’s over people.
2. People who brag about their drinking.
3. When gas prices go up instead of down.
4. People that drive around with a cell phone stuck to their head. What the heck is so important that you can't wait until you get home to use the phone? Meanwhile they are endangering everyone else on the road.
5. TELEMARKETERS, TELEMARKETERS, TELEMARKETERS, TELEMARKETERS. 11:00 pm on a Saturday night! 4:30 am on a Sunday morning! STOP IT!!!!!
6. Spoiled children, and people with an excessive sense of entitlement reminiscent of spoiled children.
7. When people coming on to the interstate don't understand it is up to them to merge and they have to actually look at oncoming traffic and fit in, not just go for it and make people slam on the brakes or nearly get into an accident. Accidents don't just happen....people cause them!!!
8. Famous people who name their kids such God-awful names.
9. Madelyn O'Hair...if she hadn't been around, kids would still be praying in schools and at school events. All the crap that happens now--gangs, juvenile crime, etc. would not be such a problem. May she burn forever.
10. People who dress to the nines to go to Walmart and bring their kids with their crusty noses, dirt rings around their necks, faded dirty clothes, and bare dirt crusted feet. I consider this a form of child abuse. These parents should be horsewhipped.

1 comment:

Bob G. said...

1) Wifey hangs it WRONG...(arrghh), but we do have another "facility" that "hangs CORRECTLY"...all the time!)

2) Never did - never will!
(nothing to be proud of really)

3) Like to see more PARITY there (down is good)

4) I want to NAILGUN it TO their head...maybe they'd think differently after that?

5) No-Call lists apparently DO mean little here in Hooseirland.

6) MEGA-DITTO there!

7) Some folks just do NOT deserve to have the privilege of driving.

8) Frank Zappa comes to mind...LOL

9) Madlyn needs to go AWAY...very FAR away (6 feet under would be a damn good start)

10) It's called "Lookit me - I got MINE, screw everyone else"...aka...POOR PRIORITIES and HEDONISM.

Great list today.

Stay safe down there.