Thursday, August 16, 2012


These are things I've been wondering for years....

Why do elderly men pull their pants all the way up to their waists?
Why do we close our eyes when we laugh or sneeze?
Why do people put stuffed animals on the dashboard or backwindow of their cars?
Why do men’s and women’s shirts have buttons on the opposite sides?
Why are tampon commercials so dang cheerful?
Why didn’t anyone share some Trix cereal with the Silly Rabbit?
What was the Hokie Pokie really all about?
Are baby carrots cut from regular sized carrots and shaped or are they carrots that never grew up?
Why starve a fever and feed a cold?
Why am I not supposed to cry over spilled milk?


Bob G. said...

-- I wear them as intended...not WAY up!

-- It's damn hard NOT to.

-- My Garfield is BUCKLED in the back seat...that way he can't get hurt.

-- So we won't get "confused"?

-- I dunno about THAT one...makes me wonder about ALL those HAPPY feminine hygiene ads.?!?
(I guess that makes CANCER a hoot? - not hardly!!!)

-- I always wanted to, and they had a commercial where the kids VOTED to give him some.
(that's back when your vote really MEANT something, btw)

-- Not doing "the chicken dance"?

-- Yep...LOL!

-- I feed 'em both...go figure.

-- At the prices THESE days, you bet your sweet patootie I'm gonna cry...let 'em try and stop me!
MY milk - MY tears.

Funny stuff.

Stay safe down there.

CWMartin said...

#1- Because they have no means of finding it otherwise.
#2- I heard its because our eyeballs would pop out if we didn't.
#3- To distract cops from their plate numbers.
#4- I' didn't even know that till five years ago.
#5- I heard it was the male-dominated advertising world's subliminal way to denigrate women. Never figured that one out either.
#6- Because you don't want to give all those nasty carcinogens to a cute little bunny. Besides, he was a dork.
#7- Learning your rights and lefts.
#8- Who cares? Carrots blow.
#9- Gotta go with Bobby on that one. Bury it into submission, I always say.
#(- Because Santa will put you on the naughty list.

Marianne (Mare) Baker Ball said...

baby carrots are just that...immature carrots. I would have given Trix to the rabbit. I don't know the rest of them - that's about as far as my brain can reach! Fun post!