Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Manners 101

When I was a kid, manners was like part of the basic food groups. You either had it or you suffered the consequences.

Here's an idea of how my parents taught us and I in turn taught my kids:

1) Always say excuse me when walking in front of a person (like in a movie theater, church or grocery store).

2) Eat what's on your plate before you ask for seconds.

3) If you don't like what is on your plate, tough, you eat it anyway and you don't get down from the table until it's gone.

4) Ask to be excused once you have finished eating.

5) Never get into an adult conversation. When grownups are talking, even repeating what they are talking about is not acceptable.

6) Sassy mouths get a sore behind. When asked to do something, the answer is, "Yes, ma'am or sir" and not "why?"

7) Open the door for others.

8) Never cough or sneeze without putting your hand over your mouth.

9) Always show gratitude and say thank you, even if it's for something that you don't like.

10) If you need to interrupt a conversation between adults, make sure it's for a good reason, like the toilet is overflowing. If so, then wait until you are acknowledged and say, "Excuse me".

11) Always thank the birthday girl or boy for inviting you to their party. If it's your party, say thank you for coming to celebrate.

12) No burping or belching or picking your nose or rubbing your nose or farting at the table. Excuse yourself to the bathroom or burp quietly.

13) Use inside voices. Talk only as loud as every ear can hear.

14) Help others.

15) Never laugh at anyone's misfortunes.

16) Don't push or cut in line.

Maybe that's totally old fashioned but that's honestly the way I was raised.
Sometimes, I think that kids are given too much of a voice without allowing them to listen to others.

What do you think?


Bob G. said...

That's pretty much the EXACT SAME WAY I was raised back east.

And there were ALWAYS consequences for NOT following those "rules".
They were not guidelines, or suggestions or something up for discussion.

And personally, I think we came out none the worse for wear as a reuslt...and a HELLUVA lot more "mannerly" toward everyone.

Be nice to see a lot MORE of that these days...we sure need it.

Excellent post.

Stay safe (and mind your manners) down there.

CWMartin said...

6) Sassy mouths get a sore behind. When asked to do something, the answer is, "Yes, ma'am or sir" and not "why?"

Boy, THAT one took a beating between my sister- the premeir smartass- and me- her prize student.

Joanne said...

Oh number 5 is one of my biggest pet peeves! I can't tell you how many times a conversation with an adult has been interupted by their child's opinion on what we were talking about!!! Sometimes it's the kids trying to correct something in the convo....UGH!
Blessings, Joanne