Wednesday, August 29, 2012


I like to craft. However, I burn through crafty things and never go back to them. Just ask my defunct bins of paint, stitchery and decorating supplies. I am a fair weather friend when it comes to craftiness.

Ironically, I could use up all of my spending money on yarn that will just sit there.

 I have become super selective about the blogs I read. If yours tells me all about how perfect your life is and how perfect your children are and how perfect your world is, I probably will delete you from my bookmarks. If you tell me that you had a bad day or did some big goof once in a while or your daughter tells you that you have a big bottom, you can stay. You are real. I mean, come on! You can't be perfect ALL of the time.

I rarely comment on blogs. But I read them every day...

I use spell check far more than I want to admit. I still can't spell nessicar...necissary...nesisa...whatever.

When I meet a new person, I over share. Like get-nervous-and-word-vomit-until-I-die over share. Then I get all self-conscious and try to avoid that person until I can talk myself down about being a total nut-case. I have issues.


Alisa said...

I really enjoyed your blog! Will be checking back periodically.

Bob G. said...

Like you and crafting, I'm the same with my hobbies (model-building, reading, etc...)

I'm also selective about blogs...and I admit I have too many to follow DAILY (and I apologize profusely), but those nearer the TOP of my "suspect" list get the nod every day!

I WISH I could toss some (near) perfection into my blog (and life) on a more regular basis, but I have to speak about what goes on...good, bad, or indifferent.
If that means I accidently have some GOOD things occur, I'm happier than a LARK!
(and not the Studebaker

I'm dislexic on the keyboard these days - brain moves too fast to get the arthritic fingers to follow.
But at least the brain IS STILL moving!

I tend to "over-share" as well, but that recently comes about becasue of a lack of more than several people that I CAN talk to around here (damn near everyone else is someone you'd only meet in a holding

And if we DIDN'T have any issues (to work on), we'd all be perfect...and probably boring as hell, right?

You stay real and keep it honest.
We need a lot MORE like you out there.

Stay safe down there.

Joanne said...

I can totally relate about the crafts. I have a closet full of supplies. It drives my husband crazy, but I don't care, because when there a need everyone comes to me like I am super woman to make them something or decorate or just borrow supplies.
Blessings, Joanne

Alice said...

I do the word vomit over share thing, too. Yikes!