Friday, July 24, 2009

100th post!!!

I made it. It’s my 100th post!!!!! So as I have seen so many others do here are 100 things about ME!!!

1. My middle name is Kay
2. I have 1 sister and 1 brother (both are younger then me)
3. As a child I walked in my sleep
4. I don't believe in the tags that say "one size fits all"
5. I have 3 sons (that I know of)
6. My family is my world
7. I had my oldest son when I was 22
8. I don’t regret starting "mom hood" young, I am a young granny hehe
9. I collect stuff
10. I love antiques

11. I have a HUGE bed
12. I don’t have a grandparent still living
13. Gone with the Wind is my favorite movie
14. I can’t touch my nose with my tongue
15. I am not sure why I wrote that
16. My dad died in 1983 he was only 63
17. I miss him
18. My oldest son lives in Australia
19. I miss him
20. I sell on ebay
21. I’m 5'7"
22. I hate funerals
23. Some people in my family don’t understand me
24. I have brown eyes
25. I listen to talk radio
26. I always think for myself
27. I HATE bad smells
28. I love the view out my back door
29. I love the first snow of the season.
30. Sometimes I worry about my weight
31. I don’t like to diet
32. I prefer vanilla ice cream over chocolate.
33. I believe in God and consider myself a spiritual person
34. I have never won anything in my life.
35. I have never played the lottery
36. I love reality TV shows
37. I love to win when playing games or cards.
38. But it makes me sad to see people lose
39. I’m a sensitive person
40. Sometimes overly sensitive
41. I had 2 c-sections
42. I belong to the NRA
43. I suffer from anxiety
44. I HATE that I do
45. I am non confrontational.

46. I love dark chocolate
47. I like any chocolate
48. I suffer from insomnia
49. I have never ridden on a roller coaster.
50. I am deathly afraid of heights
51. If I’m in an amusement park I like to people watch.
52. I don’t like shopping
53. I especially dislike grocery shopping
54. I am a good friend
55. I’m extremely claustraphobic

56. Everyone says I should get out more.
57. I like trying to understand how things work.
58. I drive my kids crazy
59. They say that I’m right most of the time
60. I already know that I am (smile)
61. My friends turn to me for advice
62. Sometimes I think too much
63. I’ve been in 3 abusive relationships
64. I like being alone.

65. Good thing because I am alone but not lonely.
66. I am not good at relationships
67. Nothing is it easy
68. I am a work in progress
69. Stupid people drive me crazy
70. So do stupid drivers!!
71. I’m not a morning person
72. I have written some poems
73. Some were really good
74. I like doing crafts
75. Wish I had energy to do them
76. I love to crochet

77. I wish Paula Deen would come make me dinner.
78. I LOVE my kids
79. I did not get my drivers license till I was out of school.
80. I’m still not very good at backing up, but I haven’t hit anything
81. I have never had an accident that was my fault

82. I am stubborn

83. I used to love to cook.
84. I’ve never got a speeding ticket
85. Though I usually drive too fast
86. Have got a couple warnings
87. Watch now I’m going to get one.....ugh
88. I tend to repeat myself
89. I tend to repeat myself..hehe
90. I do not have an alarm clock.
91. I take a sleeping pill every night
92. I know I make no sense
93. Sometimes I don’t want to be the adult
94. I have a tattoo
95. Its on my shoulder
96. I own several handguns
97. People usually think I’m smarter then I really am
98. I can’t believe my SBG Katie is getting married

99. I grew up in a small town.
100. I’m now done and wondering oh should I have said this instead of this oh and what about this...but I survived and made it to 100...and guess I'll save the rest for next time!!


Bob G. said...

That's a lot of stuff...glad you made it through in fine shape.
You should post aout your interesting to see which ones you won and why you own them (other they wre on

So, CONGRATS on post #100.
And here's to the NEXT 100...

(raises a glass of Sunny D - that's Scandanavian for "salute"...a toast)


ms nk rey said...

Hey Bobby G. I was a business owner and carried large amounts of cash home late at night and got my first hand gun for personal protection. But I was raised around guns, my dad was a "Great White Hunter" to quote him. LOL. I got a shot gun to shoot snakes in my yard. Living by the river we were over run with snakes when we first moved here many years ago, now I rarely see one. Anyhow thanks for your comment and have a good old weekend my friend.