Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Bored vs. Boring

I am not the type of person who gets bored. When I start to feel a little well you know, I get up and damn do something, it maybe watch a movie or read a book. But I believe Bored people are Boring and I do not ever want to be boring. Sort of makes me feel like a bitch but so be it. There is so much to see and do and learn and absorb, there is no excuse to ever be bored I feel guilty labeling someone as boring, but it can't be avoided. There are people out there that think I'm boring. Don't know who they are, but I'm sure they're out there, existing, being bored by me. If I ever feel the onslaught of boredom, I am going to just do something instead of sitting around grumbling, "I'm bored." If you are healthy, volunteer at a hospital, nursing home, school. Do something, become a big brother or big sister. Help some one, you will feel so good.

1 comment:

Bob G. said...

Thanks to my parents, I was never at a loss for doing SOMEthing...we called them HOBBIES.

Today, it's more like CHORES about the homestead, but given the neighborhood I currently live in...not one day goes by that is considered "boring", thanks to the locals and their antics.
(like living inside a snowglobe freakshow)
