Saturday, July 18, 2009

I am a Bitch

So I guess I’m a bitch. I have been told I am by quite a few people who would know, like my ex-husband. Maybe I hold people to too high of standards. Actually the standards are no higher than I hold myself too. And people disappoint me on a regular basis. I don’t think I am better than any one else but I do think I have more common sense than a lot of people. (I have more life experience and can see the cost of bad judgment). It is a fact and it is not bragging but it does make me sound like a bitch doesn’t it? I just get so frustrated with people who are in over their heads and won’t or can’t admit to a mistake and keep flailing away accomplishing nothing but more stress, and for some reason I get to hear it over and over and over. Now I am not the mistake police, everyone makes mistakes, and it is not up to me to fix their mistakes, but I can’t understand why they don’t see it like I do, which is why I think I am a bitch. I wish I could be a fly on the wall and watch myself react to things and be able to see myself as others see me. I am sure it would help me be a better person.

1 comment:

Bob G. said...

Yeah, that sounds like me a LOT...well, except for the "ex-husband" thing...LOL.

And you're not a *b*.,..and neither am I.
There IS a DIFFERENCE between BEING A BITCH and just being "bitchy" (with good reason, naturally).

I don't hold anyone to *my* standards...I just hold them to CIVILIZED SOCIETAL STANDARDS...and if some peeps can't cut the muster, then to hell with the lot of 'em.

I'm no better than anyone else, but if the "rules of engagement" for the human race are good enough for me, then, by God, they MUST be good enough for everyone else...NO exceptions.

And I don't think that's too tall an order to place, no matter WHO you are.

Now...please tell me where I'm missing the boat on this one.
('cause if I am...I ain't seein' it, dear)

Remember...LIFE is a WE don't HAVE to be...!
