Wednesday, July 15, 2009


I really need to get used to the fact that I am an old woman past a certain age *wink* and that I am wrinkled, gray and nearly dead. According to the main stream media I am a drain on resources I am not producing anything, and I am costing more and more every year. Well excuse me for living. I guess they forgot the 40 odd years I worked and contributed to the economy of this country. And now all I get is the anger of the media. My generation worked hard and if I were not disabled I would still gladly be working hard. It seems to me that this new generation believes it is their right to have the latest and greatest. I never felt it was my right. And I never will. I was very happy to work hard save and purchase my home, a car etc. all the while paying for my own health insurance. I never, not for even one minute thought any one owed me one damn thing including, insurance, a place to lay my head or food on my table.. My question for today is “When does the switch go off and we become a disgrace for being old?”


Bob G. said...

You bring up a point I've been making for YEARS (even before I reached that 1/2 century mark), and that is:

Here in America, we no longer hold the elderly in ANY real level of reverence (like they do in Japan).

Used to be a time when "Grandma or Grandpa KNEW IT ALL"...and we were enraptured by their tales of years gone by, and how THEY got through life.
Tons of lessons to glean and learn from there.

Today, it's ALL about the youth...and the keeping OF one's youth.
Forget the oldsters...they don't count.
(hint- know how many BABY BOOMERS are staring at you young'uns RIGHT NOW?)

And the governemnt is bound, bent and determined to make sure that the seniors (quietly) become the new "disposable" people, thanks to this health care debacle.

After all, we have all this instant gratification and disposable everything else, right?

Better for all these whiteheads to die off...and "decrease the surplus population" (to quote Dickens)

Sorry, I don't plan to go softly into that good night...and neither should YOU.

All these yongsters fail to realize...that sooner or later...THEY...will become the "new" seniors.

They better treat us all a lot nicer, and with the dignity we deserve. We earned it...they haven't.

OK, done with my preaching for the week...LOL.

Good post...very thought-provoking.

Keep the Faith.

Anonymous said...

When I was young, I was taught to revere the elderly. Now that I am elderly, I think that I shall continue to do so.