Saturday, July 4, 2009

Happy Birthday, America!

Home of the Free Because of the Brave

On July 4, 1776, we claimed our independence from Britain and Democracy was born.
The United States is a diverse nation made up of people from different backgrounds, coming together to live in freedom.Every day thousands leave their homeland to come to the "land of the free and the home of the brave" so they can begin their American Dream. Each year on July 4, Americans celebrate that freedom and independence with barbecues, picnics, and family gatherings. I hope everyone will celebrate their freedom this Fourth of July.
Happy Birthday, America!


Bob G. said...

Every breath we take is one founded in FREEDOM...

Today we truly CELEBRATE it.

The rest of the year...we (should) acknowledge it.

Have a great day.

Anonymous said...

A Republic only stands until the 'people' learn that they can sell they can sell their vote. Here's hoping this Republic will 'wise up' before it's truly too late.
Happy Birthday America!