Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Pet Peeves

  1. People who read out loud what they're typing in an email or letter.
  2. Kids who tease dogs through a fence.
  3. People who drink directly out of the milk/orange juice container
  4. Couples who sit on the same side of the booth when there is no one on the other side.
  5. Parents who bring their young kids to R rated films.
  6. People that don't use coasters.
  7. Noisy eaters.
  8. Going through the drive thru, then having to go back when they screw your order up.
  9. People with bad table manners.
  10. People that snoop.
  11. Drivers who won't turn right on red.
  12. Couples that own a dog together and call themselves mommy and daddy.
  13. Being asked my telephone number/account number AFTER I already entered in using the keypad on my phone. I thought I was supposed enter that info to "better assist me".
  14. Not washing hands after using the bathroom.
  15. The noise people make when they rub their fingers on balloons.
  16. Celebrities claiming to be environmentalists.
  17. People who walk their dogs and let them poop indiscriminately (like on someone's lawn), and do not pick it up.
  18. Explanations that begin with the word "Again".
  19. How opening any cheap electronic item these days requires cutting up your finger with cheap impossible to open plastic molding covering.
20. People who give their kids weird names.


Bob G. said...

YES...another"list"...I love 'em!

1- I could NEVER talk THAT slow!

2- That's why I teach the dog to JUMP the fence on command!

3- OK, I'm guilty, but that was when I was 14 yrs old! I thought you forgot about that.

4- Maybe it's a "Zen" thing?

5- They must think the "R" stands for "REALLY GOOD"?

6- ARGH...I hate rings on furniture...it's the Felix Unger in me.

7- We call them PIGS!

8- I avoid drive-thrus like the PLAGUE!
(I'd much rather bitch at them up close & personal)

9-Does that count the times I used the WRONG fork?

10- Security work pretty much requires you be good at it, but I despise peeping toms!

11- Only thing worse are the ones w/ the LEFT signal on who DO make RIGHT turns.

12- 'Ya got me there...with my two cats...I'm their "old man".

13- The more they rework the plumbing, the easier it is to stop up the drain...

14- In our house we have the sign "Employees MUST wash hands before leaving"...right alongside the charred NO SMOKING sign...

15- Right up there with nails on a blackboard!

16- And enviromentalists claiming to be "politicians"...(or saviors of the universe)

17- Them's my "locals" for 'ya! (hard to tell if it's a DOG, though)

18- Agreed...better to use ONCE (again)...

19- ah, yes...the nasty-ass "clamshells" made from Roswell spaceship wreckage...love them...NOT!

20- Or bastradize the PROPER spelling of a REAL name...AND all the "eishas"...every single ONE of them!

Always a pleasure.


Anonymous said...

1. Guilty
2. Those kids should be poked with a stick!
3. Your son and grandchildren are GUILTY!
4. I think it is romantic... *sigh*
5. I had to go check on the harry potter rating before I answered...almost guilty.
6. Agree!
8. Grrrrrr
9. Agree.
10. Um...we discussed this.
11. maybe they are new drivers and are unsure of themselves.
12. that is just stupid.
13. I hate automated ANYTHING!
14. EWWWWW...
15. I guess that one doesn't bother me...but if you pull the neck part and it makes the horrible squeak sound!
16. Celebrities claiming to anything but what they are and that is media hungry, self-serving windbags!
17. I don't walk him, but he does like the neighbor's yard better.
18. I don't think I understand this, can you give me an example? :)
19. I hate that! But you can BUY a tool to open those crazy things.
20. This one I am offended by. I have a weird name!
Love the lists! Keep them coming! Your Fav DL - Billie